Friday 24 January 2014

Batam - Must visit places!

What is the best places to visit in Batam? Do you have any recommendations?

Yes, we do. Below listed are the most visited places in Batam by locals and tourists. We take some as your must visit list when you come to Batam.

Hello Batam!

1. Barelang Bridge

The Barelang Bridge (Jembatan Barelang) is a chain of 6 bridges of various types that connect the islands of Batam, Rempang, and Galang (Indonesia), giving the system its name. The smaller islands of Tonton, Nipah, and Setotok (considered as parts of the Batam Island chain itself) connect Batam and Rempang, the entire Barelang region covers 715 km². Barelang Bridge Batam is an icon of the local area and is a popular tourism site. Some locals call Barelang Bridge Batam as Jembatan Habibie (Jusuf Habibie), who oversaw the project in construction, aiming to transform the Rempang and Galang islands into industrial sites (resembling present-day Batam). However, the bridge site has grown more into a tourist attraction rather than a transportation route.

The full stretch of all 6 bridges total to 2 kilometers. Traveling from the first bridge to the last is about 50 km takes about 50 minutes. Construction of the bridges was started in 1992 and took names from fifteenth- to eighteenth-century rulers of the Riau Sultanate.

The Tengku Fisabilillah bridge connects Batam and Tonton island. It stretches for 642 meters and is the most popular bridge of all, being a cable-stayed bridge with two 118 m high pylons and main span 350 m. Tonton-Nipah Bridge is a cantilever bridge with total length 420 m and main span 160 m. Setoko-Nipah Bridge is a girder bridge with total length 270 m and main span 45 m.Setoko-Rempang Bridge is a cantilever bridge with total length 365 m and main span 145 m.Barelang Bridge (Rempang-Galang Bridge) is a arch bridge with total length 385 m and main span 245 m.

Almost all of batam visitors will visit Barelang Bridge Batam, because it's so beautiful and swanky. If you go to Barelang Bridge Batam on Saturday or Sunday, you will probably see a lot of people hang out there. Especially in Holiday, if you and your family want to have some places to sit there, you must go to the bridge earlier, or else you don’t have any place to sit. So many foreigners and local people come to Barelang Bridge Batam just to see the beauty of the bridge and to view the sunset as well.

2. Vietnam Refugee Camp

It happened mid -1970s after the end of the Vietnam War turned out to confront the international community on the serious problem of the refugees. The main trigger was the collapse of South Vietnam in the hands of the North Vietnamese or Vietcong power, in addition to the situation in Cambodia chaotic.

The events which led to the concerns of many people in the southern region of Vietnam and encourage them to leave his hometown to seek new shelter. a lot of the reason the refugees left their homeland, men, women, young, old and the children to escape. They are using the leaky old boat, sailing into the open sea without a clear purpose and arrived in Indonesian waters. Later on they become a problem involving many countries and international attention.

Indonesia at the time was the only country in Southeast Asia that appears to respond to the urgent international problems and helping the refugees to enter and agree Galang Island is located approximately 50 miles south island of Batam and only about half an hour from Singapore by ferry was chosen as a transit point for Vietnamese refugees. While waiting they are administratively processed to be sent to a third country .

In the allotment of residential areas in Galang Island the UNHCR to build the township is equipped with a full range of facilities and infrastructure and very adequate as the regular and excellent quality that connects with a small harbor used as traffic supply the needs of the refugees live. The place is known as the Port Karyapura. There are seafood restaurants cultivated by refugees, chapels, schools, churches, entrance by land and building for local officials exercise facilities. In the settlement, also built housing for local employees of UNHCR, pagoda, rest area, camping ground , " Galang Memorial Hall " .There were about 500 people died in the Vietnam village, because they was old and sick. They were buried in a cemetery area and well maintained.

3. Duta Maitreya Monastery

Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya Batam was opened in 1999 as the biggest Buddhist temple in South East Asia. 
Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya Batam was built for Maitreya Buddhists and generally for TriDharma followers (Confucius, Taoism and Buddhism). It also open daily for local visitors as well as tourists. Laughing Buddhas are everywhere in this temple, welcoming you with joy and warmth.
Duta Maitreya hosts many Buddhism big events every year, following with vegetarian bazaar, Lunar New Year Open House, and Nature Loving Dance competition. 
Further to this building, you will find a vegetarian restaurant, serving non-meat diet foods, which is halal for sure.
Additionally, Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya - Batam also provides souvenir outlets, such as statues of the Buddha, Gods, incense, necklaces, bracelets, rings and accessories wall clock or clock happiness. where tourists can shop souvenirs for relatives who are not able to visit the Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya.

4. Costarina Park

Costarina is a family-friendly place for fun and entertainment. It is built with a same concept of Ancol in Jakarta, designed for fun and recreation.
Entering Costarina, you will find foodcourts and eye-catching 12 Chinese zodiac statues along the way. 
The facilities here include a Kiddie Land, volley ball, canoeing, jet ski, water boom, horror house, bicycling, entertainment stage and beach.
Costarina is perfect for family fun.

5. Labun Island

Labun Island resort, Batam offers you an unique atmosphere that you hardly see again nowdays. 

Labun Island's Kelong is built at top of ocean, with classic structure combined with modern facility.

This paradise island is still virgin, very natural with real inhabitants, remains pure until today.

It give you a natural view all around the island, in the sea, the kampoeng/ kelong lifestyle. Really natural and unique, where else to find such place?

Labun Island offer you many activities, ensuring you won't be bored even for a week of stay, covering:
> Snorkeling
> Fishing
> Diving
> Kayak
> Swimming practice
> Banana Boat
> Seafood servings
> etc.

6. Avalokitesvara / Guan Yin Goddess Statue

Statue of Goddess Kwan Im also an icon of Batam Island. Statue of the goddess Kwan Im is the result of the work of human hands is located at Tanjung Pinggir, Sekupang, precisely at KTM Resort. Statue of Goddess Kwan Im originally located on the waterfront facing Singapore, but eventually it was being moved to the front of the temple. Goddess Kwan Im statue built very sturdy with metal bones. Many people pray before the statue of the Goddess Kwan Im.

7. Masjid Raya

The Grand Mosque (Mesjid Raya) Batam Centre is located at Batam Government Center, adjacent to the Batam mayor’s Office, Councils building, International Ferry Terminal Batam Center and Mega Mall shopping center, precisely located at Jl. Engku Putri. This Mosques has a beautiful 'pyramid' architecture. Quite good but already looks a bit old.

Mesjid Raya Batam Center is the biggest mosque in Batam. The location is very strategic you can reach it within 3 minutes from the International Port of Batam Center, 20 minutes from International Airport Hang Nadim and 20 minutes from Nagoya which is the business center in Batam.

In the region of Mesjid Raya Batam Center is also as boarding pilgrims and several conference hall, the area is very large. This mosque has unique characteristic where inside the mosque there is no pole so it looks very spacious. And also it has twin tower. With the Middle Eastern-style architecture with decorated by beautiful ornaments it makes the Mesjid Raya Batam Center looks more beautiful, especially at the night with headlights that make more majestic. This mosque was designed by same architect with one of mosque in Sulawesi that’s why it looks similar with one of the mosque in Sulawesi.

8. Toa Pe Kong

This is an old temple initially built for worshiping Da Be Gong which locals called Him as Toa Pe Kong. You may also find Buddhist altars inside, following with new built altar of Confucius - Kong Tzi. This place is open for public and you can freely take pictures with many Chinese God statues located at the garden.

9. Marina Waterfront Beach

Marina beach is located in the Waterfront, Batam. It is located on the west side of the island of Batam island. This location is not too far from the city of Batam, just 10 minutes from the Tanjung Uncang and Batuaji. And about 30 minutes from Batam Center. You can hire a taxi or rental car to go to this beach.

There are two 4-star resorts in waterfront city, Harris Resort and Holiday Inn. In addition there is also Waterfront City International Ferry Terminal with destination to Singapore destination. For visitors or guests of Harris Resort can try games and water sports such as Banana Boat, Jet Ski, and also boat which can be used to get around the islands surrounding Batam. There is a lake across from Harris Resort that provides cable ski water sports as well.

Marina beach is also equipped by green garden and children playground. This location is suitable for families and also pre-wedding photos. This beach is overlooking to the Singapore Straits so when the weather is nice you can see the skyscraper buildings in Marina Bay Singapore.

You can enjoy a wonderful panorama when it came in the early evening before sunset. Red sky color combined with the beam of sunlight reflected off the golden crystal clear sea water.

Source :

Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Beautiful of Barelang Bridge Batam

The Barelang Bridge (Jembatan Barelang) is a chain of 6 bridges of various types that connect the islands of Batam, Rempang, and Galang (Indonesia), giving the system its name. The smaller islands of Tonton, Nipah, and Setotok (considered as parts of the Batam Island chain itself) connect Batam and Rempang, the entire Barelang region covers 715 km². Barelang Bridge Batam is an icon of the local area and is a popular tourism site. Some locals call Barelang Bridge Batam as Jembatan Habibie (Jusuf Habibie), who oversaw the project in construction, aiming to transform the Rempang and Galang islands into industrial sites (resembling present-day Batam). However, the bridge site has grown more into a tourist attraction rather than a transportation route.

The full stretch of all 6 bridges total to 2 kilometers. Traveling from the first bridge to the last is about 50 km takes about 50 minutes. Construction of the bridges was started in 1992 and took names from fifteenth- to eighteenth-century rulers of the Riau Sultanate.

The Tengku Fisabilillah bridge connects Batam and Tonton island. It stretches for 642 meters and is the most popular bridge of all, being a cable-stayed bridge with two 118 m high pylons and main span 350 m. Tonton-Nipah Bridge is a cantilever bridge with total length 420 m and main span 160 m. Setoko-Nipah Bridge is a girder bridge with total length 270 m and main span 45 m.Setoko-Rempang Bridge is a cantilever bridge with total length 365 m and main span 145 m.Barelang Bridge (Rempang-Galang Bridge) is a arch bridge with total length 385 m and main span 245 m.

Almost all of batam visitors will visit Barelang Bridge Batam, because it's so beautiful and swanky. If you go to Barelang Bridge Batam on Saturday or Sunday, you will probably see a lot of people hang out there. Especially in Holiday, if you and your family want to have some places to sit there, you must go to the bridge earlier, or else you don’t have any place to sit. So many foreigners and local people come to Barelang Bridge Batam just to see the beauty of the bridge and to view the sunset as well.

Source :

Pelabuhan Ferry Batam Centre Dipadati Penumpang

2014, pelabuhan Ferry Internasional Batam Centre dipati warga Indonesia, mulai yang dari Batam khususnya dan Kepri umumnya serta beberapa daerah lain yang memilih ke Singapura melalui akses Batam.

Bahkan pantauan Tribun dipelabuhan Ferry Internasional Batam Centre sekitar pukul 13.25 WIB, Selasa (31/12/2013), jumlah penumpang terus bertambah.

Sayangnya Kepala TPI Imigrasi Pelabuhan Ferry Internasional Batam Centre, Irwanto enggan berkomentar seputar peningkatan penumpang tersebut.

Kendati demikian, dari hasil data terakhir pihak pengelolah pelabuhan ferry internasional Batam Centre, jumlah penumpang yang keluar dari dari pelabuhan tersebut menuju ke Singapura sudah hampir mencapai 6000 an penumpang hingga pukul 13.25 WIB.

Manager Oprasional Pelabuhan Internasional Batam Centre, Nika Astaga ditemui di lokasi pelabuhan mengaku lonjakan ini memang kerap terjadi, terlebih di momen-momen besar seperti pergantian tahun.

"Namun lonjakan pergantian tahun saat ini mengalami peningkatan dari tahun sebelumnya," kata Nika.

"Bahkan diperkirakan menjelang malam ini ini, arus penumpang yang keluar melalui pelabuhan ini ke Singapura meningkat hingga 7000 penumpang," katanya lagi.

Mengenai apakah itu warga Batam, Kepri seluruhnya, Nika mengaku tidak bisa memastikannya, sebab ada juga turis lokal dari Jakarta yang berpergian ke Singapura melalui pelabuhan ferry Internasional Batam Centre ini.

Untuk mengantisipasi lonjakan penumpang, sambung Nika, saat ini pihaknya melakukan penambahan pengaman dari sekurity. Sebab dari yang sebelumnya hanya satu shif, khusus hari ini dilakukan penambahan dua shif.

"Jadi bisa dikategorikan lembur, yang jumlah personilnya mencapai 30 an orang," ungkap Nika seraya menambahkan personil yang ada ini itu tidak termasuk dengan personil yang cuti merayakan Natal.

Selain 30 personil dari pengaman pihak pengelolah pelabuhan sendiri, Nika mengaku juga ada batuan pengaman dari satuan samping, seperti dari instansi kepolisian dan Ditpam.

Masih dengan Nika, dirinya menyebutkan untuk armada sendiri, pihak agen juga melakukan penambahan ektra trip tujuan Singapur, yakni 2 ferry dengan muatan hingga 200-san penumpang per ferrynya.

"Untuk hari biasa armada yang ada 48 ferry dengan 80 trip. Namun khusus hari ini karena ada penambahan ekstra trip, menjadi 50 ferry," ujarnya.

Sumber :

Lion Air opens flight routes from Batam to Kalimantan, Sulawesi

Batam, Riau Islands (ANTARA News) - National airlines Lion Air will be flying new routes from Batam to East Kalimantan, linking other areas in Kalimantan and Sulawesi, an official of Batan Industrial Authority (BP Batam) said.

"The Ministry of Transportation has issued a permit for the opening of the flight routes, but flight schedules have yet to be decided. Lion Air has said the routes will be opened this month," BP Batam Spokesman Dwi Djoko Wiwoho said here on Saturday.

Hang Nadim airport in Batam is an international airport under the management of BP Batam. It is not managed by airport operator PT Angkasa Pura, which manages other Indonesian airports.

As of Friday, December 6, 2013, Lion Air officially began operating out of Hang Nadim airport, which has a 4,025 meter runway, as a flight hub in the western part of Indonesia, particularly Sumatra, connecting to other areas in the central and eastern parts of Indonesia.

The flight routes will link Batam with Balikpapan in East Kalimantan, Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan, Berau (East Kalimantan), Tarakan in North Kalimantan, Manado in North Sulawesi, Palu in Central Sulawesi and Makassar in South Sulawesi, without having to transit at Jakartas Soekarno-Hatta airport (Java).

Djoko said that the opening of the flight routes seeks to shorten flights from the western part of Indonesia, in particular mainland Sumatra, to the eastern regions of Indonesia.

"It also aims to reduce flight density and delays if flights have to transit at Soekarno-Hatta airport," he said.

He said Lion Air will also open direct flights from Batam to Semarang in Central Java.

The airlines is currently serving routes in Batam-Sibolga, Silangit, Gunung Sitoli, Meulaboh, Banda Aceh and Loksumaw via Medan.

Other rotes are Batam-Pekanbaru, Batam-Padang, Batam-Silangit, Batam-Jambi, Batam-Benkulu, Batam-Palembang, Batam-Natuna, Batam-Pontianak, Batam-Surabaya, Batam-Semarang, Batam-Yogyakarta, Batam-Bandung, Batam-Jakarta and Batam-Tanjung Pandan via Pangkal Pinang.

From Makassar, Lion Air flights will also connect to areas in Sulawesi, such as Wakatobi, Baubau, Kendari, Kolaka, Mamuju, Luwuk and Gorontalo.

Editor: Priyambodo RH


Source :

Thursday 9 January 2014

Kampung Vietnam, Goresan Sejarah & Kenangan Yang Tak Terlupakan di Mata Dunia Internasional

Sejarah mengenai bangsa Indonesia yang sangat panjang mempunyai kesan tersendiri bagi Masyarakat Indonesia.

Namun hal ini sedikit tampak berbeda bagi masyarakat yang bertetanggaan dengan Negara Singapura yaitu masyarakat di Pulau BATAM.

Pulau ini memiliki kisah pilu dan bersejarah yang tak dimiliki setiap pulau-pulau lainnya di Nusantara Indonesia. Apa saja kisah mengesankan dan pilu itu?

Terukirnya sejarah masyarakat Indonesia dengan para pengungsi yang datang dari Vietnam di masa perperangan pada pertengahan tahun 1970-an silam membuat kenangan tersendiri di Pulau BATAM.

Menurut sejarah 40an tahun silam, saat berakhirnya masa peperangan Vietnam membuat Dunia Internasional peka terhadap permasalahan mengenai para pengungsi. Hal ini disebabkan karena jatuhnya kekuasaan Vietnam Selatan atas Kekuasaan Vietnam Utara/Vietkong.

Jatuhnya kekuasaan itu menyebabkan kekhawatiran mendalam bagi masyarakat Vietnam bagian selatan sehingga membuat mereka terpaksa meninggalkan tempat tinggal mereka dan berinisiatif untuk mencari tempat perlindungan baru.
Hanya bermodalkan perahu-perahu tua yang bocor dan berlubang dengan pengungsi yang berjumlah sekitar 40-100 orang di setiap perahunya mengungsi. Terdiri dari para perempuan&laki-laki tua ataupun muda beserta anak-anaknya menyelamatkan diri dan mengarungi lautan luas tanpa tahu akan ke daratan mana mereka berlabuh.

Hingga tibalah mereka di Pulau 80 Ha yang masih menghutan dengan nama Pulau Galang.

Keprihatinan mucul dari Dunia Internasional. Maka, pulau ini oleh UNHCR (United Nation High Commission For Refugees) dan disetujui pemerintah pusat bersepakat untuk membangun pemukiman sementara bagi para pengungsi yang akan didata dan akan beremigrasi ke negara selanjutnya.

Di Pulau Galang, UNHCR membangun pemukinan yang memiliki fasilitas yang memadai bagi para pengungsi seperti pembangunan tempat ibadah, rumah sakit, sekolah, balai pertemuan, restoran dan pelabuhan kecil yang berfungsi sebagai lalu lintas penyedia kebutuhan pangan bagi para pengungsi.

Tak hanya itu, pemukiman ini juga dilengkapi dengan tempat tinggal bagi petugas lokal UNHCR, agar mempermudah pengawasan, pengaturan, penjagaan keamanan, serta untuk menghindari penyebaran penyakit kelamin Vietnam Rose yang dibawa para pengungsi.

Di Kampung Vietnam juga terdapat "Galang Memorial Hall" yang merupakan tempat pemakaman yang layak dan sekitar 500 jiwa pengungsi yang meninggal karena faktor usia dan penyakit dimakamkan di tempat ini.

18 tahun kemudian setelah peristiwa pengungsian itu, dengan dukungan yang besar dari komunitas internasional seperti UNHCR/badan PBB yang berkaitan dengan masalah pengungsian beserta peran dari Angkatan Laut Indonesia pada saat itu bekerja sama.
Hingga akhirnya sekitar 500 jiwa para pengungsi berhasil dipulangkan ke kampung halamannya dan pengungsi lainnya menuju negara baru seperti Amerika dan Australia.

Kini, pemukiman bersejarah dan penuh dengan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan persaudaraan ini bisa Anda kunjungi sebagai museum maupun tempat wisata yang lekat dengan pendidikan sejarah.

Ya!!! Bagi mereka yang memiliki kenangan ditempat ini sungguh tak akan pernah melupakan suasana yang sejuk, indah dan tenang yang telat membuat mereka tetap bertahan hidup.

Museum Kampung Vitenam yang terbuka bagi umum ini merupakan bukti nyata di mata dunia internasional bahwa Negara kita Indonesia tidak hanya Negara yang terjajah dan lemah. Tapi Negara kita Indonesia memiliki komitmen penuh untuk berperan dalam nilai-nilai kemanusian, persaudaraan dan sikap toleransi antar sesama akan terukir di sejarah peradaban di Asia Tenggara selamanya.

Tanpa pandang bulu, Indonesia juga berperan dalam kesejahteraan & kemakmuran bagi Dunia Internasional.

Jalan-jalan ke BATAM harus mampir & foto di Kampung Vietnam ini guys, baru liburannya semakin lengkap di BATAM.

Tips & saran untuk berkunjung ke Kampung Vietnam :
- Perjalanan yang cukup panjang (sekitar 1-1,5 jam dari pusat kota BATAM) akan lebih baik jika Anda menyiapkan bekal yang cukup selama perjalanan Anda.
- Baiknya Anda menggunakan kendaraan roda 4 karena lokasi yang cukup dalam dan jauh dari jalan pusat membuat jalanan yang Anda lewati akan sangat sepi.
- Siapkan mental yang cukup karena tak sedikit cerita mistis masih terdengar di pemukiman ini.
- Siapkan kamera yang apik untuk sedikit narsis di tempat bersejarah ini.

Welcome to BATAM or Welcome to Vietnam??????

Datang & rasakan pengalaman menarik di Kampung Vietnam...!!!^^

Happy Holiday...